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Practice Assignments and Tutorials for Web Development Success

Develop a feedback rating card that enables users to provide a rating from 1 to 5. Your task is to replicate the provided design with precision, focusing on the...

Create a styled recipe card for a “Simple Omelette” using HTML and CSS, replicating the provided code structure and styling. Simple Omelette Recipe...

Create five buttons with distinct styles using HTML and CSS. These buttons will represent common UI elements: primary, success, danger, warning, and info. The...

A Develop a simple webpage where a circle with a solid background color is horizontally centered, containing a single letter that is centered both horizontally...

Create an elegant registration form using HTML and CSS. The form should be centered horizontally on the page and include fields for personal information and a...

Nested Box Layout Assignment Create a nested box layout using HTML and CSS that visually represents the structure of the box model. Background Colors: Outermost...