Feedback Rating Card: Assignment-7

Develop a feedback rating card that enables users to provide a rating from 1 to 5. Your task is to replicate the provided design with precision, focusing on the color scheme, layout, and interactive elements.


Font Awesome CDN: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Color Codes:

  • Card Background: #2d3748
  • Icon Background: #1f2937
  • Icon Color: #fbbf24
  • Text Color: #ffffff
  • Button Background: #4a5568
  • Submit Button Background: #f6ad55


  • Structure the HTML with a feedback-card container, including a header section with a star icon, text asking for feedback, rating buttons, and a submit button.
  • Style the card in CSS using the provided color codes, ensuring the star icon from Font Awesome is centered within a circular background.
  • Implement hover effects on the buttons to change opacity on user interaction.


  • A fully functional HTML file named feedback.html.
  • A CSS file named styles.css that contains all the styling for your feedback interface.
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