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Practice Assignments and Tutorials for Web Development Success

Introduction In this assignment, you will learn about some common array operations in JavaScript. Remove Duplicate elements from an array in JavaScript -...

JavaScript Exercise: Todo List Description: Create a simple todo list application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application should include an input box...

JavaScript Exercises: Mastering Array filter() Method These exercises are designed to help you master the filter() method, which creates a new array with all...

JavaScript Exercises: Mastering Array map() Method These exercises are designed to help you master the map() method, which creates a new array populated with...

JavaScript Exercises: Intermediate for Loop Challenges Sharpen your JavaScript skills with these intermediate exercises that focus on using traditional for...

JavaScript Exercises: for...of Loops with String and Number Manipulations Explore these exercises designed to enhance your JavaScript skills through practical...

Intermediate JavaScript Logic Exercises Explore intermediate JavaScript exercises focusing on various loop constructs and their practical applications. These...