Master Your Tech Interviews: Comprehensive Question Bank

Dive into Comprehensive Interview Questions across Key Technologies. From HTML to React - Your Path to Interview Success!

HTML5, the fifth version of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), introduced several new features and improvements over its previous version, HTML4. 1. Semantic...

Straight forward - Answer 1️⃣ Doctype in HTML5 is essential and is declared at the top of an HTML document as <!DOCTYPE html>. It’s a simple...

In HTML, elements are categorized into two main display types: block-level elements and inline elements. These display types determine how the elements are...

The alt attribute, short for “alternative text,” is an important element in HTML used for describing images. Its main role is to provide a backup...

Beginner - Answer 1️⃣ The for attribute is used in conjunction with the <label> element in HTML. It is used to associate a label with a form control, such...

Beginner - Answer 1️⃣ Semantic elements in HTML5 are special tags that provide meaning and structure to the content of a web page. They help both browsers and...

HTML Interview Questions List Preparing for an HTML interview requires a solid understanding of web development fundamentals as well as the latest advancements...