React JS Course Syllabus
2 mins HTML (Days 1-3)
- Day 1: Introduction to HTML, Understanding Block-Level Elements
- Day 2: Inline Elements, Forms: Creating and Processing
- Day 3: Tables for Data Presentation, Miscellaneous Tags.
CSS (Days 4-7)
- Day 4: Introduction to CSS, Different Ways to Apply Styles, Selectors
- Day 5: Box Model: Margin, Padding, Border; Typography
- Day 6: Display Properties: inline, inline-block, block, none, and display: flex
- Day 7: Responsive Design with Media Queries
Bootstrap (Day 8)
- Day 8: Bootstrap: Layouts, Components, and Utilities
JavaScript (Days 9-28)
- Day 9-10: JavaScript Introduction, Setup in Local Environment, Variables, Data Types
- Day 11: JavaScript Operators, Functions
- Day 12: Conditions: if, else if, switch
- Day 13: Loops: for, while, do-while
- Day 14: Strings and Methods, Template Literals (ES6)
- Day 15: JavaScript Objects and Methods
- Day 16: Arrays and Methods, Destructuring (ES6)
- Day 17: Math Object, The Window Object
- Day 18: Document Object Model (DOM), Event Handling
- Day 19: Form Handling, Data Binding in HTML Table
- Day 20: Network Requests (API Calls), Fetch API, Axios
- Day 21-22: Async/Await, Promises, setTimeout, setInterval
- Day 23: Local Storage and Session Storage
- Day 24-25: ES6 Concepts: Arrow Functions, Spread/Rest Operator, Modules
- Day 26: Error Handling, try-catch
- Day 27-28: Debugging JavaScript, Performance Optimization Techniques
React (Days 29-40)
- Day 29-30: ReactJS Introduction and Setup, JSX Fundamentals
- Day 31: Components in React: Class vs. Functional Components
- Day 32: State Management in React
- Day 33: Props for Component Communication
- Day 34: Event Handling, Form Handling in React
- Day 35: Lifecycle Methods in Class Components
- Day 36: Introduction to Hooks in Functional Components
- Day 37: Routing in React with React Router
- Day 38: Managing Global State with Context API
- Day 39: Advanced Hooks (useReducer, useMemo, useRef)
- Day 40: Real-time Project: Building a Front-End Application with React
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